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Leaving on a Prop Plane... or NOT

We had an early start today for our journey back to Kigali. After a bit of suitcase content shuffling to please the man at the luggage weighing scales we were all successfully checked in and would soon be on the flight. Or so we thought.


Remember the plane with propellors from Monday, well we must have broken it, as today there were technical issues and the flight was cancelled. 



There is only one flight a day so we now have to wait until tomorrow morning, when hopefully the plane is repaired and we can leave this beautiful diocese.


He came to grant us rest. 

We have fired on every cylinder and more since Monday, and without a doubt were struggling with the lack of sleep. We all feel much rested having had today cancelled (though we will cram everything in still!). An opportunity to catch up with the blog and reports. Thank you Lord for giving us time to recharge our batteries.


Rwandair came good and put us up in a hotel in Kamembe.

The weather was good and the highlight of the day was definitely swimming in Lake Kivu!

Thank you for reading this blog, do put a comment so we know you are there!!! 

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