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Writer's picturePauline


Updated: Jul 26, 2023

Two plastic handwashing stations

With the closures of schools across Rwanda and Uganda, during COVID much of the school partner funds from 2020, and early 2021 have been used to install handwashing stations and other necessary hygiene items, so that the schools could re-open in accordance with government guidelines. Food help has also been high on the priority list, whether it is seeds to cultivate or flour, school lunches are very important and often the only meal a child gets every day. Athough COVID restrictions have settled down, in Africa they take very little for granted and the focus has remained on health and hygiene. The Aunt Louise School for the Disabled have saved their funds so that they can build new toilets, as their old ones were ‘full’. The new toilets are designed to be emptied and so will last much longer even if they cost a little more in annual maintenance - they will also be far more hygienic!

vegetables being grown

In Butare Diocese the E.S Gikonko have focused on the importance of good nutrition and purchased seeds and sweet potato slips, this will save them money on school lunches in the long term.


They also used money to increase the size of their pig sty another good way to make money to help the school.

student in a facemask collecting mattress

St Peters College in Shyogwe spent their funds on mattresses for poorer students, (boarders are expected to supply their own mattress), toilet paper, notebooks, maths instruments and pens. School materials are not supplied by the state as in the UK, so all students must have the necessary school equipment to aid their studies.

student playing the keyboard

They also purchased music mixing equipment and microphones - we were lucky enough to be entertained by them and the joy it brings is tangible, their choirs and performances were excellent.

open fires with tiled surround

The Agape School in Kibungo has made good use of their school partner funds over the past couple of years. They used some to upgrade their kitchen area and had the stove area retiled. Since returning to school after COVID admissions to the school are increasing and a new girls’ dormitory has been built. .

shower block

The schools partner fund has been used to purchase the first 20 bunk beds as well as funding the build of new showers to serve the girls’ dormitories.

boy carrying heavy bag of maize

boy enjoying posho

Kijjabwemi Primary School, Uganda - have spent their school partner funds on money for school lunches. Our pastor in the area said that starvation would kill more people in Uganda that Covid would, and with the severity of the drought in East Africa this year we can understand his thought process. All school partners funds over the past couple of years have been used to provide school lunches to the children who are unable to fund themselves.

newly painted school with the words "given a chance we can do something"

two 10,000 litre water tanks

Aunt Louise School for the Disabled , Uganda - have used the funds they have received to buy livestock, feed the children and pay for extra medication. Two new water tanks have been installed relieving the stress of lack of water, and the school building has been repaired and repainted giving it a brighter, welcoming environment for the children. As previously mentioned new toilets will soon be ready to use.. They can now access healthcare promptly which was not the case before the CHI intervention. They send heartfelt thanks to those supporting them and bringing hope and happiness in the hearts of their innocent disabled children at the school.

primary school children enjoying play equipment

covered walkway

King Salomon Nursery, Byumba, Rwanda - have used their funds to build a covered walkway to the toilets so that the children do not get muddy in the wet seasons, much needed new playground equipment and and a water tank. CHI visited the school in the summer and witnessed the joy of the children on the play equipment!

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