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Pray with us

Verse of the Month

For nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37

Verse of the Month

Hope House

The home and heart of CHI for nearly 20 years. It’s not perfect; freezing in the winter and a furnace in the summer. It has sprung leaks in the roof, and at times we have had some very unwelcome small four-legged visitors, but it is the heart of CHI, where we talk to you, and where we pray. But it seems we may soon have to move as the land is being sold, and will probably be redeveloped, your prayers are needed.

Hope House

7 July 2024

Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom as we look for new office space.

7 July 2024

14 July 2024

Pray for God’s provision to enable the inevitable rent increase to be met.

14 July 2024

21 July 2024

Pray that affordable storage can be found to enable the Stitches of Hope project to continue.

21 July 2024

28 July 2024

Pray with us for an uneventful move, when it does happen, with little interruption to the work which is so important to others.

28 July 2024

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