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Viateur GISA
  • Viateur GISA

    Lives in: Kibungo, Rwanda

    Date of Birth: 18 January 2022

    School Year: Nursery 1

    Siblings: 1 brothers & 1 sister


    Born into a poor family, Gisa's mother died whilst giving birth to his younger brother.  Gisa was 3 at the time.  They live with their aging grandparents who look after them well, along with their older sister (13) and another child aged 1.  The grandparents are farmers, they do not have much but they try their best to ensure that Viateur and his older sister have school fees and materials.  

    His grandparents have taught him the values of respect, discipline and working hard.

    Price Options
    Monthly Sponsorship
    £20.65every month until canceled
    Annual Sponsorship
    £245.50every year until canceled
    • Transaction Fees

      Because the child benefits from the full £20 per month sponsorship, we have included the transaction fees we incur through our website payment processor.  You can sponsor directly through the office and pay via standing order to avoid this fee.

    • Your Welcome Pack

      Once you have signed up to sponsor a child, we will send you more information about the child, the area they live and go to school in and how to correspond with them.  Many of our supporters want to know how they can give more support and we will outline this as well, although there is absolutely no obligation to do so and we won't keep asking you.

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